Page:Why the Shoe Pinches.djvu/11

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peared in Muller's Archiv in 1853, and have since been incorporated in the Lehrbuch der physiologischen Anatomie, published by our author in 1856, where also will be found his account of the mechanism of the foot (p. 133 et seq.) Knowing, from statements made in his public lectures, and also from his recommending to his students the study of Professor Meyer's Physiological Anatomy, the high value set on these researches by Professor Goodsir of Edinburgh, I have submitted my proof-sheets to him, and am glad to be able to make use of his name as a guarantee for the correctness of my rendering of Professor Meyer's anatomico-physiological details; and I take this opportunity of acknowledging my obligations to my friend and former teacher for much valuable advice, and especially for the following expression of his opinion, which he has kindly permitted me to insert here:—

"The simplicity of the principles inculcated in Professor H. Meyer's work on "The Correct Form of Shoes" impresses the intelligent reader with confidence in their importance and applicability. Their simplicity consists in their scientific character. The author of the work has largely contributed to that recent rapid advance of anatomy and physiology which is due to the employment of more direct and refined methods of investigation. By his researches, more particularly into the structure and actions of the lower limbs, he has given to our conceptions in this department of the science a precision which