Page:Why the Shoe Pinches.djvu/43

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the heel is thus ascertained. The length from the point of the great toe to the point where the hollow of the foot commences, that is to say, to the posterior margin of the ball of the great toe (e f), about two-fifths of the whole length of the foot, is now to be measured and marked off in its proper place on the primary straight line, and thus the broadest part of the foot is found. At this place a line should be drawn cutting the longitudinal straight line at right angles, and on this transverse line the greatest breadth of the foot is to be marked, so that just so much of the foot lies on one side of the long line as corresponds to half the breadth of the great toe (f g), the rest of the whole breadth of foot falling on the other side (f h.) The longitudinal line is now carried a little farther forward, and then parallel to it the inner margin (g i) of the anterior sole is to be drawn, and for this purpose we begin at the inner termination of the transverse line which indicates the greatest breadth of the foot.

All the points essential to the construction of a proper sole have thus been obtained, namely, the inner margin of the anterior sole, the posterior boundary of the heel, and the greatest projection of the little toe. Around these points a sole may readily be constructed, as may be seen from the annexed drawing (Fig. 21), in which the outlines of the sole are filled up with dotted lines. To a shoe-maker of good taste, it will not be at all difficult to infuse into the design a certain amount of elegance. By way of