Page:Wife of Beith (10).pdf/3

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In Beith once dwelt a worthy wife,
Of whom brave Chaueer mention makes
She lived a licentious life,
And namely in venereal acts
But death did eome for all her eraeks:
When years were spent and days out driven
Then suddenly she sickness takes,
Deeeased forthwith, and went to heaven.
But as she went upon the way,
There followed her a eertain guide,
And kindly to her he did say,
Where mean you, dame, for to abide?
I know you are the wife of Beith,
And would not then that you go wrong,
For I’m your friend, and will be leath
That you go through this narrow throng;
This way is broader, go with me,
And very pleasant is the way;
I’ll bring you there, where you would be,
Go with me friend, say me not nay,
She looked on him, then did speer,

I pray you, Sir, what is your name?