Page:Wife of Beith (11).pdf/16

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( 16 )

even as thou did the widow of Nain,
Moſt gracious GOD, did thou not bid
all that are weary come to thee?
Behold I come, even overlaid
with ſin, have mercy upon me.
The iſſues of thy ſoul are great,
thou art both leperous and unclean,
To be with me you are not unfit,
go from me then, let me alone.
Master, ſaid ſhe, it muſt be granted,
my ſins are great, give me contrition:
The forlorn ſon when he repented,
obtain'd his father's full remiſſion,
I ſpared my judgements many times,
and ſpiritual paſtors did thee lend,
But thou renewed thy former crimes,
ay more and more me to offend.
My LORD, ſaid ſhe, I do amend,
lamenting for my former vice,
The poor thief at the latter end,
for one word went to Paradiſe.
The thief heard never of my teaching,
my heavenly precepts, and my laws,
But thou was daily at my preachings,
both heard and ſaw and yet miſca's.
Master, ſaid ſhe the Scripture ſhows,
the Jewiſh woman which broke thy laws,
Sweet LORD, my GOD ſay me not nay,
for if I periſh, here I'll die.
Poor ſilly wretch, now ſpeak no more,
thy fain, poor ſoul, hath ſaved thee,
Enter, go in unto my glory,
and reſt through all eternity.