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but you in Horeb there tranſgreſt;
Then Aaron ſaid I will not ſwear
but I'll conjure her as I can,
And I will make her to forbear,
ſo that ſhe ſhall not rap again.
Then Aaron ſaid, thou whoriſh wife,
go get you gone and rap no more;
(With idols you have led your life,)
or then you ſhall repent it ſore,
Good Aaron, prieſt, I know thee well,
the golden calf you may remember,
Who made the people plagues to feel,
'tis of you recorded ever;
Your prieſthood now is nothing worth,
CHRIST is my only prieſt and he,
My LORD; who will not keep me forth,
ſo I'll be in ſpite of thee.
Then up ſtarts Samson at the length,
unto the gate apace came he,
To drive away the wife by ſtrength,
but all in vain it would not be.
Samson, quoth ſhe, the world may ſee,
thou was a judge that prov'd unjuſt,
Thoſe gracious gifts which God gave thee,
thou loſt then, by licentious luſt,
From Delilah thy wicked wife,
thy ſecrets could not thou refrain,
She daily ſought to take thy life,
thou loſt thy ſight when thou was slain,
Though thou was ſtrong, it was in vain,
hunting with harlot's here and there,
Then Samson turning back again,
and with the wife would meet no mair.
Then ſaid king David knock no more,
we are all troubled with your crying,
David, quoth ſhe, why cam'ſt thou here,
thou mightſt bide out as well as I,
Thy deeds no way thou canſt deny,
is not thy ſins far worſe than mine?

Who with Uriah's wife did ly,