Page:Wife of Beith (9).pdf/10

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Then down came Jacob thro' the cloſe,
And ſaid, go backward down to hell:

Jacob, quoth the, I know thy voice,
That gate pertaineth to thy ſell:
Of thy old trumpries I can tell,
Thou with two ſiſters ledd'ſt thy life,
And the third part of theſe tribes twelve,
Thou got with maids beſides thy wife:
And ſtole thy father's benniſon,
Only by fraud thy father frae:
Gave thou not hint for veniſon,
A kid, inſtead of baken rae.

Jacob himſelf was tickled ſo,
He went to Lot where he was lying,
And to the gate pray'd him to go,
To ſtaunch the carling of her crying.

Lot ſays, Fair dame make leſs ado,
And come again another day.

Old harlot carle, and drunkard too,
Thou with thine own two daughters lay,
Of thine untimely feed, I ſay,
Proceeded never good but ill.

Poor Lot for ſhame, then ſtole away,
And left the wife to knock her fill.
Meek Moſes then went down at laſt,
To pacify the carling then;

Now dame, ſaid he, knock not ſo faſt,
Your knocking will not let you ben.

Good Sir, ſhe ſaid, I am aghaſt,
When e'er I look you in the faces;
If your law until now had laſt,
Then ſurely I had ne'er got grace,