Page:Wife of Beith (9).pdf/2

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R E A D E R.

СOurteous Reader, what was Papal or heretical, in the former Copy is left out in this Edition: for there is nothing that can offend the wiſe and judicious, not being taken up in a literal ſenſe, but by way of allegory and myſtical, which thus may edify.

The whole Dialogue is nothing but that which is recorded in ſcripture for our example, wherefore I appeal from the cenſorious, and capricious critics, who ſtart at ſtraws and leap over blocks; and whoſe nature is, with the Waſp, to ſuck nothing but venom out of the ſweeteſt flowers; Unto the judicious and wife, who can regiſtrate virtue with the point of a diamond into the rock of eternal memory, and vice into oblivion ſand; and whoſe genius is, with the Bee, to extract honey out of the bittereſt flower.

Therefore, the one may read and be edified, the other read and be offended: let dogs bark what they will, the morn is ſtill the ſame: Farewel.