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Such muſic and ſuch melody,
Was never either heard or ſeen,
When this poor ſaint was plac'd ſo high,
And of all ſins made freely clean:
But then when thus ſhe was poſſeſt,
And looked back on all her fears :
And that ſhe was come to her reſt,
Freed from her ſins, and all her tears,
She from her head did take the crown,
Giving all praiſe to Chriſt on high,
And at his feet ſhe laid it down,
Becauſe the Lamb had made her free.
Now ſhe doth ſing triumphantly,
And ſhall rejoice for evermore,
O'er death and hell victoriouſly,
With laſting pleaſures laid in ſtore.


OF Wife of Beith I make an end,
And do theſe lines with this conclude.
Let none their lives in ſin now ſpend,
But watch and pray, be doing good:
Deſpondent ſouls, do not deſpair,
Repent, and ſtill believe in Chriſt,
His mercies which laſt evermore,
Will ſave the ſouls that in him truſt.

F I N I S.