Page:Wife of Beith (9).pdf/4

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I was a ſervant unto Chriſt,
And Judas likewiſe is my name.

I knew you by your colours firſt,
Forſooth indeed you are to blame;
Your maſter did you not betray?
And hang yourſelf when you had done?
Where'er you bide I will not ſtay;
Go then, you knave, let me alone.

Whate'er I be, I'll be your guide,
Becauſe you know not well the way;
Will ye but once in me conſide,
I'll do all friendſhip that I may.

What would you me? where do you dwell?
I have no will to go with thee;
I fear it is ſome lower cell,
I pray thee therefore let me be.

This is a ſtormy night and cold,
I'll bring you to a warm inn:
Will ye go forward and be bold,
And mend your pace till ye win in.

I fear your inn will be too warm,
For too much hotneſs is not beſt;
Such hotneſs there may do me warm,
And keep me that I do not reſt:

I know your way, it is to hell,
For you are none of the eleven;
Go haſte you then into your cell,
My way is only unto heaven.

That way is by the gates of hell,
If you intend there for to go,
Go dame, I will not you compel,
But I with you will go alſo.