Page:Wiggin--Marm Lisa.djvu/177

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layas, while the spiritual advantages to be derived from an infusion of Mahatmas into our population are self-evident. 'Think, my sisters,' Mrs. Grubb would say, 'think, that our mountain ranges may some time be peopled by omniscient beings thousands of years old and still growing!' Up to this last aberration I have had some hope of Grubb o’ Dreams. I thought it a good sign, her giving up so many societies and meetings. The house is not any tidier, but at least she stays in it occasionally. In the privacy of my own mind I have been ascribing this slight reformation to the most ordinary cause,—namely, a Particular Man. It would never have occurred to me in her case had not Edith received confidential advices from Mrs. Sylvester.

"'We’re going to lose her, I feel it!' said Mrs. Sylvester. 'I feel it, and she alludes to it herself. There ain’t but two ways of her classes losing her, death and marriage; and as she looks too healthy to die, it must be the other one. She’s never accepted any special attentions till about a month ago, when the Improved Order of Red Men held their Great Council here. You see she used to be Worthy Wenonah