Page:Wiggin--Marm Lisa.djvu/51

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going to supersede all the others, we think. My hours are from ten to twelve, and two to four, but I could take you evenings, if you’re occupied during the day. My cures are almost as satisfactory as Mrs. Grubb’s now, though I haven’t been healing but six months last Wednesday."

"Fortunately I am very well and strong," smiled Mistress Mary.

"Yes, that’s all right, but you don’t know how soon sickness may overtake you, if you haven’t learned to cast off fear and practice the denials. Those who are living in error are certain to be affected by it sooner or later, unless they accept the new belief. Why don’t you have your nails done, now you’re here? My manicure has the highest kind of a polish,—she uses pumice powder and the rose of Peru lustre; you ought to try her; by taking twenty tickets you get your single treatments for thirty-five cents apiece. Not this afternoon? Well, some other time, then. It will be all right about the children and very good of you to want them. Of course you can’t teach them anything, if that’s your idea. Belief in original sin is all against my theories, but I confess I can’t