Page:Wiggin--Marm Lisa.djvu/80

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room at an approaching festival. She particularly wanted "Look not upon the Wine" done in blood-red upon black, and "Shun the Filthy Weed" in smoke-colour on bright green. She had in her hand a card with the points for her annual address noted upon it, for this sort of work she ordinarily did in the horse-cars. These ran:

1st. Value of individuality. "I saw."

2nd. Value of observation. "I saw."

3rd. Value of numbers. "I saw a hundred men."

4th. Importance of belonging to the male sex. It was men who were seen on the road.

5th. What and where is Delhi?

6th. Description of the road thither.

7th. Every boy has his Delhi.

8th. Are you "on the road?"

9th. The brotherhood of man.

10th. The Kipling Brothers’ Call to Arms.

She intended to run through the heads of this impassioned oration to Mistress Mary, whom she rather liked; and, in truth, Mary had difficulty in disliking her, though she thoroughly disapproved of her. She was so amiable, and apparently so susceptible to