Page:Wiggin--Marm Lisa.djvu/86

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multitude. I can say in all humility that it has been so with me from a child. I’ve always had a burning desire to explore the secret chambers of Thought, always yearned to understand and explain the universe."

"I have never tried to explain it," sighed Mary a little wearily; "one is so busy trying to keep one’s little corner clean and sweet and pleasant, a helpful place where sad and tired souls can sit down and rest."

"Who wants to sit down and rest? Not I!" exclaimed Mrs. Grubb. "But then, I’m no criterion, I have such an active mind."

"There are just a few passive virtues," said Mary teasingly. "We must remember that activity doesn’t always make for good; sometimes it is unrest, disintegration; not growth, Mrs. Grubb, but fermentation.’

Mrs. Grubb took out a small blank-book and made a note, for she had an ear for any sentence that might be used in a speech.

"That is true. 'Distrust the activity which is not growth, but fermentation' that will just hit some ladies in my classes, and it comes right in with something I am going to say this evening. We have a Diet Congress here this week, and there’s a good