Page:Wikipedia and Academic Libraries.djvu/266

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Hong Kong Literary Landscape

students can appreciate the beauty of language and acquire the sense of truth through literature learning. This is is exactly the reason why literature is considered as one of the nine learning areas of Chinese language. In the Chinese Language Curriculum Guide, the learning objectives of Literature are the following:

  • To experience the pleasure of literature reading and appreciate the beauty of it;
  • To develop aesthetic insight, attitudes and skills;
  • To enhance language learning interest and proficiency through the delightful reading experience;
  • To share the unique but common thinking and affections in works to strengthen interpersonal communication and mutual understanding, and inspire life experience. (Education Bureau, 2001)

The Fun Project was designed to spark interest in language learning through literature among the student participants by reading and appreciating literary works in a relaxing and enjoyable setting.

Hong Kong Literary Landscape MediaWiki

Wikipedia was launched by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger in 2001. After developing its content by the Wiki community in the past two decades, Wikipedia is now the largest online encyclopedia in the world. Given the popularity of Wikipedia, a series of enhanced products among the wide variety of functions provided by Wikipedia, the content management, collaborative workspace, reference source, training guide, and so on, of Wikipedia are particularly relevant to library applications.

In the Fun Project, MediaWiki was adopted as the platform for the project deliverables for two reasons. First, MediaWiki supports very useful features such as easy navigation, editing, formatting, referencing, look and feel change, file uploading, user management, and so on. MediaWiki not only provides openly accessible data storage and retrieval service but also handles structured data including text, image, and multimedia files of the source data. It also supports