Page:Wikipedia and Academic Libraries.djvu/271

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Ma and Mak

Fun Writing Literary Footprints Project (2019–2021). The deliverables of these projects have also been made available on the Hong Kong Literary Landscape MediaWiki. But what will happen after 2021 if there is no sustainable funding model for this Wiki project? Second, there is always a limit that we can successfully clear the copyright issue of the selected literary works that are used for literary walks. There is no doubt that the more full-text artifacts that can be made available on the Hong Kong Literary Landscape MediaWiki the better. Third, usually no more than twenty-five student participants were registered in a literary walk. How can the number of student participants be increased without comprising the quality of Chinese language learning? We consider these three major challenges vital to the success of the Hong Kong Literary Landscape MediaWiki as a repository of the materials on literary walks in Hong Kong. In the long term, it is anticipated that Hong Kong Literary Landscape MediaWiki can be used as a digital humanities resource to map the literary landscapes and activities in Hong Kong using spatial analysis and visualization technologies such as Internetbased GIS. e author believes that Hong Kong Literary Landscape MediaWiki will help to uncover a range of ndings from historical, cultural, and societal perspectives that have not been addressed before.


CUHK Hong Kong Literature Research Center and CUHK Library. (n.d.). Hong Kong Literary Landscape.

Dulwich Picture Gallery. (2020, November 27). Bloomsbury literary walk.

Education Bureau. (2001). Chinese language curriculum guide (junior secondary and senior Secondary). Hong Kong: Hong SAR Government (in Chinese).

Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature. (2020, November 27). Lit walk. https://www.iowacityo

Liginlal, D., Khansa, L., & Landry, J. P. (2010). Collaboration, innovation, and value creation: The case of Wikimedia’s emergence as the center for collaborative content. In Cases on technology innovation: Entrepreneurial