Page:Wikipedia and Academic Libraries.djvu/65

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Fulton, O’Neill, and Bustillo

libraries, and other online and o offline institutions that house information along with working in teams to write and publish collaboratively with Wikipedia. This opportunity to apply learning directly further supports students’ involvement with the research and scholarly communication process.

As common goals for information literacy became evident, a more formal collaborative partnership among the instructor, librarian, and Wikipedian was established. The collaboration brings together diverse, relevant expertise to design and deliver an effective learning experience. From guest visits, we have moved to a deeper engagement with student learning so that partners work collaboratively in considering course content and scaffolding learning across the course. As a result, students find they are introduced to key concepts and practical application systematically. Their work then culminates in an edit-a-thon, in which the collaborators work with the students to finalize details of historical portraits and publish this work to Wikipedia.

Perspectives on Learning Design and Outcomes

The expertise each partner brings to the course is significant, both overlapping and complementary to the overarching goal of information literacy. This section explores the roles of the instructor, librarian, and Wikipedia collaborators in developing and engaging with learning design for increased achievement of competencies among students as follows:

  1. Deeper learning through learning design in the classroom using Wikipedia—an academic’s perspective.
  2. Using Wikipedia to teach critical thinking and academic integrity—a librarian’s perspective.
  3. Enabling university students to write and publish collaboratively with Wikipedia—a Wikipedian’s perspective.

This approach provides a unique examination of our collaboration and input into helping students develop their literacy skills, creating