Page:Wilde - De profundis, 1915.djvu/21

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Letter I

10th March 1896.

MY DEAR ROBBIE, — I want you to have a letter written at once to Mr.––– the solicitor, stating that as my wife has promised to settle a third on me, in the case of her prede- ceasing me, I do not wish any opposition to be made to her purchasing my life interest. I feel that I have brought such unhappiness on her, and such ruin on my children, that I have no right to go against her wishes in anything. She was gentle and good to me here, when she came to see me. I have full trust in her. Please have this done at once, and thank my friends for their kindness. I feel I am acting rightly leaving this to my wife.

Please write to Stuart Merrill in Paris, or Robert Sherard, to say how gratified I was at the performance of my play, and have my thanks