Page:Will of King Alfred.djvu/45

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Page 3, Line 3.

The West-Saxon nobles' concurrence.] Sax. gewitnesse. Witness, or testimony.

Page 3, Line 7.

King Ethelwolf.] Sax. Aðulf. Several of the proper names in this Will are spelled incorrectly.

Page 5, Line 4.

Ethelbert King our brother.] So, in fact; but the Saxon word mæg denotes any relative.

Page 5, Line 10.

Ethered succeeded.] Sax. feng to, took to [the government.]

Page 5, Line 18.

He to no man rather would give it.] The Saxon sel ne, should probably be read selre.

Page 7, Line 2.

That they some support would need to be given by us out of these estates, as to us was given.] This translation is incorrect. The words sælde unc on þam brocum swa unc sælde, are