Page:Will to Believe and Other Essays (1897).djvu/353

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Importance of individuals, the, 255-262; of things, its ground, 257.
Indeterminism, 150.
Individual differences, 259.
Individuals, the importance of, 255-262.
Infinite, 284.
Intuitionism, in Ethics, 186, 189.

Jevons, 249.
Judgments of regret, 159.

Knowing, 12.
Knowledge, 85.

Leap on precipice, 59, 96.
Leibnitz, 43.
Life, is it worth living, 32-62.

Maggots, 176-7.
Mahdi, the, 2, 6.
Mallock, 32, 183.
Marcus Aurelius, 41.
Materialism, 126.
'Maybes,' 59.
Measure of good, 205.
Mediumship, physical, 313, 314.
Melancholy, 34, 39, 42.
Mental evolution, 246; structure, 114, 117.
Mill, 234.
Mind, its triadic structure, 114, 117; its evolution, 246; its three departments, 114, 122, 127-8.
Monism, 279.
Moods, the strenuous and the easy, 211, 213.
Moralists, objective and subjective, 103-108.
Moral judgments, their origin, 186-8; obligation, 192-7; order, 193; philosophy, 184-5.
Moral philosopher and the moral life, the, 184-215.
Murder, 178.
Murderer, 160, 177.
Myers, 308, 315, 320.
Mystical phenomena, 300.
Mysticism, 74.

Naked, the, 281.
Natural theology, 40-4.
Nature, 20, 41-4, 56.
Negation, as used by Hegel, 273.
Newman, 10.
Nitrous oxide, 294.
Nonentity, 72.

Objective evidence, 13, 15, 16.
Obligation, 192-7.
Occult phenomena, 300; examples of, 323.
Omar Khayam, 160.
Optimism, 60, 102, 163.
Options offered to belief, 3, 11, 27.
Origin of moral judgments, 186-8.
'Other,' in Hegel, 283.

Parsimony, law of, 132.
Partaking, 268, 270, 275, 291.
Pascal's wager, 5, 11.
Personality, 324, 327.
Pessimism, 39, 40, 47, 60, 100, 101, 161, 167.
Philosophy, 65; depends on personal demands, 93; makes world unreal, 39; seeks unification, 67-70; the ultimate, 110; its contradictions, 16.
Physiology, its prestige, 112.
Piper, Mrs., 314, 319.
Plato, 268.
Pluralism, vi, 151, 178, 192, 264, 267.
Positivism, 54, 108.
Postulates, 91-2.
Possibilities, 151, 181-2, 292, 294.
Powers, our powers as congruous with the world, 86.
Providence, 180.
Psychical research, what it has accomplished, 299-327; Society for, 303, 305, 325.
Pugnacity, 49, 51.

Questions, three, in Ethics, 185.

Rationalism, 12, 30.
Rationality, the sentiment of, 63-110; limits of theoretic, 65-74; mystical, 74; practical, 82-4; postulates of, 152.