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ever, I am getting a little more hopeful of keeping the League together on something like its present terms, and we ought to try to do all we can, because a new start would be pleasant enough at first; but who shall ensure us against getting into the selfsame difficulties again, as we began, as we certainly should, to increase in numbers?

Tuesday Morning.

We held our London members' meeting last night as advertised in C. and though the attendance was not good, I think they showed signs of renewed life; we are going to open two new stations, hold concert for benefit of paper (by the way, couldn't you do something in this line), send out a flying missionary column on Saturdays beginning next Saturday. You see the London workmen are blasé of politics, and have none of the solidarity which the workmen of big industries have. On the other hand, London is a big place, and there are all sorts of people in it, and we ought to be able to get some of the good 'uns.

October 3rd (1889).

My dear Glasier,—I ask your pardon for not writing to you before. The fact is I don't like writing letters. I could almost wish sometimes that the art of writing had not been invented—at any rate, I wish the postmen would strike, on all grounds. Now, as to business. Yes, I will come if you will get me an audience; but I expect that you will have to put up with a rough lecture enough as I have not time for a literary production. Crane, I have no doubt, would do what he could; so would Walker, but he is no speaker. C. Sanderson might be able to help: but I doubt if he would speak in the open air. You had better arrange with Glasse about my day in Glasgow, always remembering that I shall want to go South to the pock-pudding as soon as I can; for my business needs me sorely.

With best wishes, even for the wicked of your branch, let alone the good like yourself.