Page:William John Sparrow-Simpson - Roman Catholic Opposition to Papal Infallibility (1909).djvu/248

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I should have thought, but a very moderate share of learning, by throwing himself into the tide, to seem to be at the head of a movement which should revolutionise the Church. It is a mysterious lot, one which one would not like for oneself. The composition of the Congregation on Dogma has discouraged us. Those whom we should have had most confidence in, Mgrs. Dupanloup and Darboy, omitted, and Manning in it. It is utterly hopeless to send any propositions to a Congregation in which Manning should be a leading member. I am told that he has been impressing the Council, or at least important Bishops, with the idea that hundreds of thousands of the English would join the Roman Communion if the Infallibility were declared."[1]

Pusey's biographers say that

"as the meetings of the Council went on, Pusey had really very little hope of any wise result."[2]

"In all later issues of his third Eirenicon, Pusey altered the title from 'Is Healthful Reunion Possible?' to a form which embodied his future attitude towards the Roman question—'Healthful Reunion, as conceived possible before the Vatican Council.'"[3]

  1. Liddon's Life of Pusey, iv. p. 189.
  2. Page 190.
  3. Page 193.