Page:William Petty - Economic Writings (1899) vol 1.djvu/208

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Verbum Sapienti.

Kingdom, which are ten times as many as aforesaid, will not overcharge them. |7|

13. Now if the Land worth 144 Millions, yield 8 Millions per annum, the other Estate converted into the like Species must yield 5+89 more; but because Money and other personal Estates yield more per annum than Land; (that is) doubles it self under 17 years purchase at 6l. per centum, then instead of 5+89, suppose it to yield 7, making the whole Annual Proceed 15.


Of the Value of the People.

NOW if the Annual proceed of the Stock, or Wealth of the Nation, yields but 15 millions, and the expence be 40. Then the labour of the People must furnish the other 25; which may be done, if but half of them, viz. 3 millions earned but 8l. 6s.[1] 8d.[2] per annum, which is done at 7d. per diem, abating the 52 Sundays, and half as many other days for accidents as Holy days, sickness, recreations, &c.

2. If 16 of these 3 millions earned but 2d. per diem; another 16 4d. another 16 8d. per diem, another 10d. and another 12d. The medium will be this, 7 d. per diem.[3] |8|

3. Whereas the Stock of the Kingdom, yielding but 15 Millions of proceed, is worth 250 Millions; then the People who yield 25, are worth 416⅔ Millions. For although the Individiums[4] of Mankind be reckoned at about 8 years purchase; the Species of them is worth as many as Land, being in its nature as perpetual, for ought we know.

4. If 6 Millions of People be worth 417 millions of pounds Sterling, then each head is worth 69l. or each of the 3 millions of Workers is worth 138l. which is 7 years purchase, at about 12d. per diem; nor is superlucration above his subsistence to be reckoned in this Case.

  1. D, '4s.'
  2. 1719, '9d.'
  3. The words "another 16 6d." are required to complete the enumeration and to give an average of 7d. per diem.
  4. D, 'Inviduum.'