Page:William Petty - Economic Writings (1899) vol 1.djvu/277

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these Valuations were made as Parties interested could prevail upon and against one another by their Attendance, Friends, Eloquence, and Vehemence; for what other Foundation of Truth it had in Nature, I know not.

Next to this Valuation, there was, in order to a certain[1] Gift presented to His Majesty, by the Adventurers and Soldiers, of a years value of all their Lands as it yielded Ann. 1659. next immediately before his Restoration. There[2] issued a Commission, Ann. 1663. to enquire and settle the said Values. And about 1667. there were made two several Valuations more; the one in order to reprize such who had restored Lands to the Innocent Irish in equal value; and another was a Determination what each Land was worth Ann. 1659. (whatever it yielded): Both which, especially the latter, are upon Record most authentically. Moreover, Ann. 1653, and 1654. there were Inquisitions taken of the Values which |62| all and every parcel of Land in Ireland yielded Ann. 1641. There have been also several Acts of the chief Powers pro tempore, for apportioning what proportion of a certain Sum to be levied in general, should in particular be charged on each County, viz. Ann. 1657. there was an Act of the Usurper's Parliament to that purpose[3]. Ann. 1662. There was an Act for raising 30 M.l. as a Present to his Grace the Duke of Ormond[4]; and another for raising of for several publick Uses[5]. And Ann. 1672. for the equal raising of 30000l. per Ann. upon all the Lands and Houses of the whole Nation. There be also Accompts of what was raised out of each County by way of Subsidy and Pole-money, paid Ann. 1661. All which may be of much light to those who have such designs as the same will answer. But I being

  1. S, 'to ascertain a gift.'
  2. S, 'restoration, there.'
  3. Acts of 1656, c. 25 laid an assessment of £9000 per month upon Ireland for three years from 24 June, 1657. Scobell, ii. 491; valuations of the several counties of Ireland, pp. 496—497.
  4. 14 & 15 Charles II., c. 16, Ireland. Cf. p. 2.
  5. Perhaps 13 Charles I., c. i, An Act for the speedy raising of money for his Majesty's service. "Search has been made for this act in the Rolls, but it is not to be found." Irish Statutes at Large, ii. 235.