Page:William Petty - Economic Writings (1899) vol 1.djvu/320

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The Political Anatomy

thereby soon buried in debts, not to be received without long and expensive Suits, and[1] that a Bank of Land be forthwith contrived and countenanced.

5. That the Act of State[2] which mitigates and compounds, for the Customs of some Foreign goods, purposely made high to hinder their Importation, and to encourage the Manufacture of them here, be taken into consideration (at least before it be renewed).

6. That the Lord Lieutenant and Council, as also the Nobility, Courts of Justice and Officers of the Army, and other Gentlemen in and about Dublin, may by their engagement and example, discountenance the use of some certain Foreign Commodities, to be pitched upon by your Lordships: And that Gentlemen and Freeholders in the Country, at their Assizes, and other Country meetings: and that the Inhabitants of all Corporations, who live in Houses of above two Chimneys in each, may afterwards do the same.

7. That there be a Corporation for the Navigation of this Kingdom, and that other Societies of men may be instituted, |129| who shall undertake and give security to carry on the several Trades and Manufactures of Ireland and to see that all goods Exported to Foreign Markets, may be faithfully wrought and packt: Which Societies may direct themselves, by the many several proposals and reports formerly, and of late made by the Council of Trade, and which they are now again ready to enlarge and accommodate to the said several proposals respectively, and more particularly to the Manufactures of Woollen, Linnen, and Leather.

8. That the Corporations of Ireland, may be obliged to engage no Manufactures, but according to their Primitive Instructions; which was to carry on such great works, as exceeded the strength of single Persons; and particularly that they may cause some such like proportions of Yam, Linnen, and Woollen, as also of Worsted, to be Spun, as Mr. Hawkins hath Propounded.

  1. H, 'and' is inserted by Petty.
  2. 20 Charles II., c. 20, Ireland.