Page:William Petty - Economic Writings (1899) vol 1.djvu/391

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Shipping Trade and Ports of England.

Subjects, is an advantage equivalent to Sixty Thousand Husbandmen[1].

There are in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and all other the King of England's Territories[2] Six Hundred[3] thousand Tun of Shipping, worth about four Millions and a ½[4] of Money; and the annual charge of maintaining the Shipping of England, by new Buildings and Reparations, is about ⅓[5] part of the |[78]| same summ; which is the Wages of one Hundred and Fifty thousand[6] Husbandmen, but is not the Wages of above ⅓ part of so many Artisans as are employed, upon Shipping of all sorts; viz. Shiprights, Calkers, Joyners, Carvers, Painters, Block-makers, Rope-makers, Mast-makers, Smiths of several sorts; Flag-makers, Compass-makers, Brewers, Bakers, and all other sort of Victuallers; all sorts of Tradesmen relating to Guns, and Gunners Stores. Wherefore there being four times more of these Artisans in England, &c. than in France; they further add to the account of the King of England's Subjects, the equivalent of Eighty Thousand Husbandmen more.

The Sea-line of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the The K. of England's Territories are in effect but 12 Miles from Navigable Water, the King of France's 65. adjacent Islands, is about Three thousand Eight hundred Miles; according to which length, and the whole content of Acres, the said Land would be an Oblong, or Parallelogram Figure of Three thousand Eight hundred Miles long, and about Twenty four Miles broad; and consequently, every part of England, Scotland, and Ireland, is one with another, but twelve Miles from the Sea: Whereas France containing, but about one Thousand |[79]| Miles of Sea line, is by the like method or computation, about Sixty Five Miles from the Sea side; and considering the paucity of Ports, in comparison of what are in the King of England's Dominions, as good as Seventy Miles distant from a Port: Upon which grounds it is clear, that England can be supplied, with all gross and bulkey commodities of Foreign growth and Manufacture, at
  1. S, R, 'Subjects the equivalent of 90000 husbandmen,' in S 'is an advantage' is substituted for 'the' cancelled, and '90000' is altered to '60000.' G, '90,500000.'
  2. S, 'and all other ye King of England's Teritoryes' inserted.
  3. G omits 'Hundred.'
  4. S, R, G, '⅓.'
  5. 1691 ed., '½.'
  6. G omits 'thousand.'