Page:William Tell Told Again.djvu/122

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times, you can see that he is not in a good temper.)

Friesshardt and Leuthold got up, saluted, and limped slowly towards him. They halted beside his horse, and stood to attention. The tears trickled down their cheeks.

“Come, come, come!" said Gessler; “tell me all about it."

And he patted Friesshardt on the head. Friesshardt bellowed.

Gessler beckoned to one of his courtiers.

“Have you a handkerchief?" he said.

“I have a handkerchief, your Excellency."

“Then dry this man’s eyes."

The courtier did as he was bidden.

"Now,” said Gessler, when the drying was done, and Friesshardt's tears had ceased, “what has been happening here? I heard a cry of ‘Help!' as I came up. Who cried ‘Help!'?”

“Please, your lordship’s noble Excellency-