Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/11

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The saut o’ the yirth.
Sweer na.

10. "Happy the ill-treatit anes for the sake o' gude: for they'se hae the kingdom 0' God I

11. "Happy sal ye be when folk sal misca' ye, and ill-treat ye, and say a' things again ye wrangouslie for my sake!

12. "Joy ye, and be blythe! for yere mead is great in Heaven! for e'en sae did they to the prophets afore ye!

13. "The saut o' the yirth are ye: but gin the saut hae tint its tang, hoo's it to be sautit? Is it no clean useless? to be cuisten oot, and trauchl’t under folk’s feet.

14. "Yo are the warld's licht. A toon big 't on a hill-tap is aye seen.

15. Nor wad men lichta crusie, and pit it neath a cog, but set it up; and it gies licht to a' the hoose.

16. "Sae lat yere licht gang abreid amang men; that seein yere gude warks they may gie God glorie.

17. "Think-na I am come to do awa' wi' the Law, or the Prophets: I'se no come to do awa', but to bring to pass!

18. "For truly say I t'ye, Till Heaven and Yirth dwine awa', ae jot or ae tittle fails-na o' a' the Law, till a comes to pass!

19. "Than, wha breaks ane o' thee wee'st commauns, and gars ithers sae do, he sal be ca'd sma i' the kingdom o' Heeven: but wha sal kee them, and spread them abreid, he as be ca'd great i' the kingdom 0' Heeven.

20. "For I say till ye, Gin yere gndeness gang-na yont the Scribes and Pharisees, ne’er sal ye win intil the kingdom 0' Heaven!

21. "Ye ken hoo it was spoken till the folk 0' auld: ‘'Ye maunna kill; and whasae kills is in danger o' the Coort.'

22. "But say I t'ye, Whasae is angry wi' his brither-man, sal be in danger o' the Court: and wha sal say to his brither-man, 'Gonyel I' sal be in danger o' the Cooncil: but whasal say 'Fule!' sal be in danger o' the fire 0' hell!

23. "Sae, gin ye fesh yere offferin to the altar-place, and thar bethink ye 0' a sairness in a brither’s mind anent ye,

24. "Pit doon yere gift fornent the offerin-stane, and hand awa; first, be at ane wi' yere brither-man, and syne come and offer yere gift!

25. "Mak up wi' yere enemy while ye are yet in the highway wi' him; sae as he gies-ye-na ower to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and ye be euisten intil prison.

26. "Truly say I t'ye, Ye come-na oot, till ye ha paid the last bodle!

27. "Ye has heard it was said lang syne, 'Ye sanna commit adultery!'

28. "But say I t'ye, Whasae sets his een on a wumman wi' desire, has e'en e-noo committit the sin wi' her in his heart!

29. "And gin yere richt ee ensnare ye, oot w'it, and cast it frae ye! it is for yere gude that ae member soud be destroy't, and no that yere hail body soud fa' intil hell!

30. "And gin yere richt haun ensnare ye, cut it aff, and cast it awa! better for ye that ae member soud fail, and no that yere hail body soud fa' intil hell!

31. "The sayin has been, 'Wha sae pits awa his wife, lat him gie her a written divorcement!'

32. "But say I, Whasae pits awa his wife, let abee for the cause 0' adultery, gars her commit adultery; and whasae weds her that is putteu awa commits adultery.

33. "Ance mair, ye ken it has been said by them 0' by-past time, 'Ye sanna mansweer yersel, but ye’se render to the Lord yere aiths!'

34. "But say I, Sweer-nu. we I no by Heeven, for it is God's thron:

35. "Nor yet by the Yirth, for it is his fit-brod: nor Jerusalem, for it is the citie o' the Great King.

36. "Nor sal ye swear by yere ain