Page:William Wye Smith-The New Testament in Braid Scots.pdf/19

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About John Baptist.
Wae tae Chorazin.

38. "And wha taks-na up his cross, to follow me, isna wordie o' me.

39. "He wha wins his life sal tine it; and wha tines his life for my sake, he sal win it!

40. "He wha welcomes you, welcomes me; and he wha welcomes me, welcomes him wha sent me forth.

41. "He wha take in a seer, in the name o' a seer, sal receive a seer's reward; and he wha take in a holie man i' the name o' a holie man, wins a holie man's reward.

42. "And whasae sal gie to drink til ans o' thir wee anes a cup o' the cauld watir only, i' the name o' a disciple—truly I say t'ye. he sauna in onygate tine his reward!"


John Baptist speirs; and Jesus answers.
Folk that wadna speir. and wadna be speir't at!

AND it cam aboot, whan Jesus had endit his commauns to his disciples, he gaed on, to teach i' their touns.

2. Noo when John, i' the prison, had heard o' the warks o' Christ, he sent twa o' his disciples,

3. And speir't at him, "Are ye He wha comes? Or div we look for some ither ane?"

4. Jesus answer’t, and says till them, "Gang yere ways; and schaw John a' that ye see and hear!

5. "The blin' are gettin their sicht, the lameters walk aboot, the lepers are made clean, the deif are hearin, the deid are raised up, the puir and destitute hae the Blythe-message proclaim't till them!

6. "And happy sal he be wha sees nae cause o' misdootin in me!"

7. And as they gaed their ways, Jesus begude to speir at the thrangs, anent John, "What gaed ye oot intil the muirlands to see? a reed wafflin' i' the win?

8. "But what gaed ye oot to see? a man in braw claes! See! they wha wear braw class are in king's coorts.

9. "But what gaed ye oot for to see 'I A prophet'! Aye! say I t'ye; mair nor a prophet!

10. "For this is he o' wham it is written, 'Tent ye! I send oot my messenger afore thy face, wha sal mak gangahle thy fit-path afore thee!'

ll. "Truly say I t'ye, Amang a' thae that are born o' weemen, hasna risen no greater nor John Baptist: yet whasae is wee i' the Kingdom o’ Heeven is [1] greater nor he!

12. "And free John Baptist's days the Kingdom o' Heeven is in the way o' bein reived, and the reiverst ak it by main stren’th!

13. "For a' the prophets, and the Law, testify't doon till John.

14. "And, gin ye but accept it, this is 'Elijah,' wha was to come!

15. "He wha has hearin to hear, sae lat him hear!

16. "But to what sal I even this race? It is like hairns sittin i' the merkit-place, and cryin oot to their marrows,

17. "And sayin, ' We played till yo, and ye didna dance; we maen'd till ye, and ye made nae wail!'

18. "For John cam, eatin-na and drinkin-na, and ye say, 'He has an evil spirit!'

19. "The Son 0' Man cam, eatin an' drinkin; and ye say, 'See! a man gluttonous! a tippler o' wine! a freend o' tax-men and ill-deedie folk!' But, 'What comes 0’ Wisdom vindicates her!'"

20. Than begude he to challenge thae cities whaur the feel: o’ his great wunner-warks war dune, for that they repentit-na:

21. "Wae comes till ye, Chorazin!


  1. V. 11. "In knowledge made kent till him, in boundless hope, in a felt sibness till his Faither and his God, the laighest bairn o' the new covenant has a richer tocher than the greatest prophet o'the auld."—Farrar, Life of Christ, ch. xx.