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Herschel, Sir William, birth, 3.

father of, 6.

other's foolishness, 8, 9, 18, 21.

schooldays of, 11.

knowledge of languages, 12.

musical and mechanical ability, 13.

astronomy, 14.

visit to England, 16.

flight from Hanover, 19.

engagements in England, 24, 257.

visit to Italy, 26.

removes to Bath, 27.

gives concerts there, 27, 258.

appointed to Octagon Chapel, 28, 258.

race for fame, 32.

work in Bath, 35.

drought by day, frost by night, 39.

discovery of, 47.

aims in observing, 53.

length of earth's day, 66.

"Account of a Comet," 68.

Uranus, 73.

Catalogue of Double Stars, 80.

contributions to Phil. Trans., 81.

Copley Medal, 84.

public opinion, 85.

summoned to court, 86.

"showman of the heavens," 89.

no honour bestowed till 1816, 94.

encouragement of science, 96.

disparagement of his work, 101, 222.

King's Astronomer, 103.

polishing his great mirror, 112.

his ingenuity, 117.

accidents, 119.

Herschel, requiem of telescope, 125.

reviews of the heavens, 129.

simplicity and kindness, 209, 259.

failing health, 210.

religious sentiments, 215.

Arago's eulogium, 217.

Huggins, Sir William, 229.

Jupiter, 175.

Keats, 91.

Laboratories of universe, 139.

Lalande, 40, 51, 58, 77, 88, 105.

Linley, Pump-room band, 27, 258.

his daughter's singing, 28.

Mars, 173.

Maskelyne, honoured by the French, 86.

Mercury, 168.

Messier, 111.

Micrometer, 80.

Milky Way, 143, 233.

Moon, mountains, 54.

volcanoes, 56.

atmosphere, 60.

More, Hannah, 29.

Napoleon, 207.

Nebulæ, relative antiquity, 147.

resolvable and gaseous, 228.

Nebular hypothesis, 235.

Newton, encouragement to, 97.

his telescope, 107.

Niemeyer, 26.

Olbers, discovery of asteroids, 72.

absorption of light by ether, 147.

Pfaff, 248.

Piazzi, 72, 119.

Points and blunts, war of, 51.

Pringle, Sir John, 51.

Rosse, Lord, 121.