Page:Williams and Calvert, Fiji and the Fijians, New York, 1860.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. PART I. THE ISLANDS AND THEIE INHABITANTS. PA«X CHAPTEE L— Fiji 1 Discovery— Early History— White Settlers— Paddy Connor- General Description— Tathata and Vatuvara— Vulanga — Mothe— Lakemba — Totoya, Moala, Nairai, Koro, Ngao, Mbengga— Matuku— Mbau — Taviuni— Kandavn — Yanna Lera— Na Yiti Leva — Compara- tive Extent— Yolcanic Formation —Soil — Eeefe— Coral Formation — Natural Havens — Bays— Winds— Climate— Temperature— Eain— Divisions of the Group. CHAPTEE XL— Obigin Ain> Poutt. 13 Eastern Origin— Government — Supremacy— Na TJlivou— Tanoa— Mbau — Qali and Bati —Legend of Somosomo — Homage by the Somosomans — Power despotic — Council of State — Oppression — Kings — Succession — Induction to Eoyalty — Sacredness of the King's Person — His domestic Life— Marks of Eoyalty — Instances of Despotism— Ofl&cers — Mata ni Yanua — na Mata — Eetirement and Election of a Mata — Adherence to Forms — Jus- tice — Punishment— Execution of the Yasu of Yuna — Cases of Cruel PunisEment— Yica- rious Suffering — Soro — Its five Elinds — Its Abuse — Social Grades — ^Eank— Polygamy of the Kings— Native Yanity— Distinctive Titles— Tui Yiti — Inferior Chiefe — ^Yasu— Eecop- tion of a Yasu— Jealousy between Persons of Eank— Homage to the Chiefs- The Tama — Etiquette— Bale Muri— Tax-paying— ^WSw^e— Presentation of a Canoe. CHAPTEE ni.— Wae 38 Incorrect Notions on the warlike Disposition of the Fijians — Causes of War — Prepa- ration-Offering to the Gods — Gathering an Army — ^Diplomacy — ^The Military— Singular Custom— Taga—Bolebole — Incentives to Bravery — Fastnesses— Fortresses — ^A Siege — As- eault— Sally — Flight— Ngoneseuseu—Taimts exchanged— Drewai Sasa — ^Native Agility — Stratagem — Wangkawai— Naingani and Namosimalua— Numbers killed— Bloodshed at Eewa— " The Chieftain's Leap " — Sacking a Town— Concealment of Property — A pitched Battle — Diminution of War in consequence of Fire-arms— Cruelty to Captives — Eeturn of the Conquerors — Horrible Scenes — Treating for Peace— Expensive Friends — Honorary Names— Ceremony of Anointing — Arms— Clubs— Spears — Bows— Slings— Ulas — Titles of Clubs— True Bravery rare— Tui Wainunu— Pride a Cause of War— Empty Boasting. CHAPTEE IY.-Ikdtjsteial Peoduce, ETC 46 Agriculture — ^Yams—Kumera—Kawai—Dalo—Ti-tree— Banana and Plantain— Sugar- cane— Yaqona — Malo — Implements— Manufactures — Native Cloth — Printing — Likus — Mats — ^Baskets— Nets — Sinnet— Pottery— Salt — Canoe-building— Carpenters— Eespect for their Chiefs — Canoes — Yelovelo — Thamakau — Tambilai — Ndrua — Methods of Building — Binding— Deck— Dimensions— Copied by the Tongans — Arms— Pillows, etc.— Bowls, Dishes, etc. — Wigs— Tools — Houses— Quickly built— Thatch— Thatching Scene— Sailors— Not adventurous— Eigging— Navigation— Inconveniences and Pleasures of Canoe-sailing