Page:Williams and Calvert, Fiji and the Fijians, New York, 1860.djvu/452

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420 FIJI JLND THE FIJIAITS. upon us, and prepare our hearts for that place. Tell us that our names are written in the Book of Life : we do not ask to know this at some time that is yet to come ; do Thou speak it to us now, as we do not know the continuance of our lives here. O tell us now that we are saved through Jesus ! " And be with every congregation, wherever worshipping, to help them, that they may worship Thee aright, that they may worship in the Spirit, and not in appearance only. O Lord, hear our cry, and be nigh unto Thy work : it is Thy work we have to do ; but we cannot do it if Thou art not near to help us. And love Thy people who are bowed before Thee : bless the Chiefs, and the ladies, and the aged, and the children ; bless them, and may they be saved. " And bless the Christians at Lakemba, and Moala, and Kanda-sni, and Mba, and Nakorotumbu, and Rakiraki, and Nandi ; and be with Lazarus and those at Ndama ; and be with those who live here. Bless Ra Hezekiah, and give him Thy Spirit, and teach him in his goings, and help him to csSkt away the old strength in which he used to trust, and to trust in Thy strength only, — the strength which we never knew until we heard the name of Jesus. " And, O Lord, bless Thy people in Viwa ; and if one is sent to-day to preach Thy Gospel in Mbau, go Thou with him, that the words of his mouth may be of use to the Chiefs of Mbau. " And we pray Thee for our Ministers : they see much evil by living with us in Fiji, and they suffer, and are weak in their bodies, and there is nothing with us that we can give them to strengthen them. This only we can do, we can pray for them. O Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayers for them. Mr. Williams is weak ; do Thou strengthen him, and let his life be long and make our land good for him ; and bless the lady, and the children, and let Thy Spirit be always with them to comfort their minds. " These are our prayers : O hear them ; do Thou hear them for Jesus' sake. hear them for Fiji's sake ! Do have love for Fiji. "When our minds think of Fiji, they are greatly pained, for the men and women of Fiji are Thy people, and these Thy people are strangled, and clubbed, and destroyed. O have compassion on Fiji ; and spare Thy servants for the sake of Fiji, that they may preach Tliy true word to the people. And, O Holy Spirit, give light to the dark-hearted and give them repent- ance. And set us in motion, that we may not be so useless as we have been ; but that we may now, and for the time to come, live to extend Thy kingdom, that it may reach all Fiji, for the sake of Jesus Christ, the accepted offering for us. Amen."