Page:Williams and Calvert, Fiji and the Fijians, New York, 1860.djvu/510

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476 FIJI AND THE FIJIANS. movement from Ovalau against an island belonging to Mbau. On* Levukan fell ; several were wounded. One Mbau man was killed, and brought to Levuka. In the morning, Tui Levuka, and a Chief of Mbau, who is on his side, came for me, that we might go and bury him. I went and begged two mats, in which he was wrapped. He had been anchored in the water all night. The fishes had eaten his head and neck, and all the flesh off" his left leg and his foot. The Levukan was also buried at Moturiki. In this respect a great change has taken place. " 6th. — In going to Viwa, I desired to call at Moturiki, which I had also attempted to do the last time I passed on to Viwa. Besides wish- ing to speak with them about Christianity, I now desired to warn them of danger near, Tui Levuka having told me that Moturiki would cer- tainly be destroyed, as the Mountaineers would go by night. "We found that the tide did not serve well for landing : we therefore pro- ceeded towards the entrance leading to Viwa. One of my boat's crew observed a man on the Moturiki beach beckoning for us, and told me. I told one of my Rotumans that he might go on shore, as it was a long distance for me to wade, and we would put in at another point for him, where I would see the people. He got in the water, and was proceeding towards the shore, when he observed several persons come out from among the cocoa-nut trees. He was afraid, and said, ' They are from Lovoni, and will kill me.' I requested him to come into the boat. The man continued to call. He was dressed, which led me to think he was a man from Mbau who had lotiied. I did not like to let the opportunity pass, and immediately got on my old water-shoes. I did not believe them to be Lovonians ; but said to the boat's crew, that, should I be killed, they were to return to Levuka, so that Tui Levuka might get my body. Kaitu, a Rotuman, wished to go with me. I forbad him, and ordered them to take the boat round by the deep water near the reef, and put in for me at the other side. The beach was a considerable distance from me, and the water was in some places over knee-deep. As I proceeded towards shore, many more persons made their appearance, some running fast towards me from two directions. As they neared me, they looked very fierce, and made gestures indicative of evil intentions towards me. I could not get to the boat ; I therefore went on towards the shore. One was swifter than the rest, and came near, with his gun uplifted to strike me. I expostu- lated with him. Quickly several were up with me, some of whom had clubs uplifted to club me, some with hatches, some with spears laid on in a position to throw. One came very near with a musket