Page:Williams and Calvert, Fiji and the Fijians, New York, 1860.djvu/581

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KA2S-DI. 543 a "white man's voice had never been heard, a white man's foot had never trod ; where the name, the ever-blessed name, of Jehovah had never been uttered; where the sweet saving sound of Jesus' name was im- known ; where all that waa known of the loiu was, that a white man's religion had come on to some parts of the coast ; where I passed two HUNDRED heathen towns on the banks of one river ; where light, and mercv, and salvation will never dawn upon the present generation, if Britain's Churches do not listen to their cry, whilst in the utterances of misery and blood, they say, ' Come axd help us, ere we die ; ' and also of recent intelligence (March, 1S5T) from Fiji, where I read, ' ^lalvern is ready to weep when he thinks of his Circuit, and his inability, through failing strength, to meet its claims ; Waterhouse (of ^Ibau) wa>-ts rest ; and I,' [the writer is that tried but pre-eminently honoured and laborious, though little known. Missionary, Moore,] * I,' (his wife away, seeking health in the colonies, his home desolate,) * I am almost worx out ; never resting, seldom two days together at home, — not one Sunday in a month ; talking, preaching, till I feel as if I could not speak again, — 1 go, and go, and go, till I can move no more, and am obliged to lie down; and then I am ready to weep over these poor perishls'g Fijiajn^s, and over the little coxcer:s- ma^ttested by the churches for their sal- vation. / often feel unmanned, a want of courage, and other feelings that were a stranger to me? I had intended to dwell in detail upon these topics, but must forbear. •• Before I conclude, may I request you to ascertain whether any of our firiends will make me a present of a photographic apparatus, with all requisite glass plates, chemical agents for positive and negative collodiotype impressions, and instructions ? If so, 1 could supply your Missionary periodicals with many interesting and instructive views of Fijian life, and would gladly furnish the donor with others. If any one is thus disposed, the apparatus, etc., should at once be forwarded to Sydney, to await me there in February, 1S5S.* " I commend myself to your affectionate and prayerfol remembrance. I shall esteem it a great privilege, if, from time to time, you favour me with a word of counsel and encouragement." At the District meeting of 1857, the Rev. John Crawford, a tried man of great energy of character and vigorous health, who had just arrived in Fiji from Xew South Wales, voluntarily undertook the Xandi Circuit, which was then in a very distracted state by war. For some

  • Mrs. Hoole promptly complied with this request ; and, since that, James 9. Badgett, Es/j.,

has given a complete apparatus, which b forwarded, for the nse of the Fiji District, to the care of the Eev. Joseph Waterhouse, as his brother s health does not yet aUow his return to FijL