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Williams v. State

propriately reprimand counsel and instruct the jury not to consider the statement, and in short, do everything possible to see that the verdict of the jury is neither produced nor influenced by such argument. Walker v. State, supra. The failure to sustain a proper objection to argument of matters not disclosed by the record is serious error, because it gives the appearance that the improper argument has not only the sanction but the endorsement of the court. Miller v. State, 120 Ark. 492, 179 S.W. 1001; Hays v. State, 169 Ark. 1173, 278 S.W. 15; Elder v. State, 69 Ark. 648, 65 S.W. 938. It has even been said that the overruling of a proper objection to a statement amounting to a declaration of law is tantamount to the giving of an instruction to that effect. Autrey v. State, 155 Ark. 546, 244 S.W. 711. It is true that the trial judge has a wide latitude of discretion in the control of arguments to the jury, but it is not unlimited. Holcomb v. State, 203 Ark. 640, 158 S.W. 2d 471; Todd v. State, 202 Ark. 287, 150 S.W. 2d 46. It has been said that this court will always reverse where counsel goes beyond the record to state facts that are prejudicial to the opposite party unless the trial court has by its ruling removed the prejudice. Adams v. State, 176 Ark. 916, 5 S.W. 2d 946. We have also said that failure of the trial court to interfere calls for a reversal. Hays v. State, supra.

We have carefully considered the record in an effort to determine whether this error could be said to be harmless, because the guilt of appellant seems rather clear. When we consider, however, that in this case, the jury, which could have meted out punishment ranging from a fine of $50 to 15 years' imprisonment, fixed the sentence at seven years, we cannot say that the prestige of the prosecuting attorney who made the statement enhanced by the prestige of the circuit judge, did not make the error prejudicial to appellant.

For this reason, the judgment is reversed and the cause remanded for a new trial.