Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 1, 1802).djvu/21

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To the Corresponding Synonyms, or Inversions of Terms, occurring in the First Volume.

  • Abele-tree; see Poplar, the White.
  • Acetite of Copper; see Verdigrease.
  • Agio; see Bank.
  • Argentine, the Common; see Thistle, the Cotton.
  • Agriculture; see Husbandry.
  • Ale-hoof; see Ground-Ivy.
  • Almond-leaved Willow; see Willow.
  • Alpine Bistort; see Bistort, the Small.
  • Apoplexy, in Farriery; see Staggers.
  • Apple-Quince; see Quince.
  • ——-Rose; see Rose.
  • ——-tree, Coccus; see Coccus.
  • Arbutus, the Black-berried Alpine; see Strawberry-tree.
  • Arcell; see Liverwort, the Dark-coloured.
  • Archangel, the Red; see Dead-nettle.
  • Archangel, the White; see Dead-nettle.
  • Argol; see Orchal.
  • Arrow-grass; see Barilla.
  • Ash-weed; see Goutweed.
  • Asp; see Poplar.
  • Asthma, in Farriery; see Cough.
  • Balass; see Ruby.
  • Balm of Gilead; see Gilead.
  • Balsam of Copaiba; see Copaiba.
  • Balsamine-sage; see Sage.
  • Bank-cresses; see Mustard, the Common Hedge.
  • Banstickle; see Stickleback, the Common.
  • Barley-big; see Bere.
  • Bastard-cress; see Mithridate-mustard.
  • Bastard Saffron; see Safflower.
  • Bath-cheese; see Cheese (in Supplem.)
  • Beach-sumach; see Sumach, the Narrow-leaved.
  • Bear-berries, or Bear-whortle-berries; see Strawberry-tree.
  • Beetle; see Chafer.
  • Bidet; see Water-closet.
  • Bird-grass; see Meadow-grass, the Roughish.
  • Bird's-foot Trefoil; see Trefoil, the Common Bird's-foot.
  • Bites of Dogs; see Dog.
  • Bitter-apple; see Cucumber.
  • Blackberry-bearing Alder; see Alder Buckthorn.
  • Black-legs; see Quarter-evil.
  • Black-thorn; see Sloe-tree.
  • Bladder, in Horses; see Diabetes and Strangury (in Supplem.)
  • Bladder Campion; see Spading Poppy.
  • Bladder-locks; see Sea-wrack, the Esculent.
  • Blessed-thistle; see Thistle.
  • Blowing of Fish; see Fish.
  • Blue Hawk; see Hen-harrier.
  • Blue Ink; see Ink.
  • Blanks; see Buck-wheat.
  • Breeze; see Gad-fly.
  • Brimstone; see Sulphur.
  • British Viper; see Viper, the Common.
