Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 3, 1802).djvu/366

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seeds produce a purgative effect.—Parsley and its seeds are fatal poisons to this variegated bird.

In their native climates, parrots are very spirited creatures; but, when domesticated, they often become peevish, and lose their peculiar sprightliness. When confined in cages, they are subject to frequent fits of the epileptic kind, to which they at length fall victims; unless relieved by a warm and dry temperature, as well as the frequent enjoyment of fresh country-air; for the smoke and cold of winter in towns equally tend to shorten their lives.

PARSLEY, the Common, or Apium Petroselinum, L. is a native of Sardinia, whence it has been introduced into Britain. It is propagated by seed, which, according to Miller, should be drilled (early in the spring, as it remains several weeks underground) in the proportion of two bushels per acre; in rows about one foot asunder, and hand-hoed; though Mr. Mills (in his Practical Husbandry, vol. iii.), is of opinion, that the plants will flourish better: grow to a larger size; and be in all respects more perfect, if the distance between the rows be sufficient to admit a hoe-plough. He adds, that a smaller quantity of seed will be required; the culture will thus be less expensive, and, he is confident, the plants will afford better food for cattle.

This vegetable is eaten with great avidity by sheep; as it not only renders their flesh more delicious, but is also believed to preserve them from the rot; instances having occurred, where sheep fed on parsley remained sound, while those in the vicinity of the farm were uniformly subject to that disease. Mr. Mills, therefore, recommends these animals to be fed with it, twice in the week, for two or three hours at each time.—It may likewise be beneficially given to sheep affected with the scab or red-water; and is said to be very efficacious in recovering surfeited horses, or such as are subject to the grease.

Beside its utility for feeding cattle occasionally, parsley is cultivated to a considerable extent in gardens, for culinary purposes.—Its seeds possess an aromatic flavour, and are sometimes used as carminatives: the root is of a sweetish taste; being slightly pungent and aromatic; it is principally employed in diet drinks; but, if taken too liberally, is apt to produce flatulency.

PARSLEY, the Bastard Stone, or Sison, L. a genus of plants, consisting of eight species, four of which are natives of Britain. The principal of these is the Amomum, Common Bastard Stone-Parsley, or Hedge Honewort; growing in moist woods and hedges; flowering in the month of June.—Its small, brown, striated, and oval seeds, possess a warm, aromatic flavour; being reputed to be aperient, diuretic and carminative, they were formerly used instead of the genuine Lesser Cardamom.

PARSLEY-PIERT, or Aphanes arvensis, L. a low, indigenous plant; growing in corn-fields, and in dry gravelly lands; flowering from the month of May till August.—It is eagerly relished by sheep, and may also be used as a salad-herb.—In its medicinal effects, it is strongly diuretic; and supposed to be an effectual solvent of the stone in the urinary bladder.

PARSNEP, or Parsnip, Pastinaca, L. a genus of plants, comprising three species, of which only the sativa, or Common Wild Pars-
