Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/10

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Seed, 49
Segg, 50
Self-heal, 51
Seltzer-water, ib.
Semolina, ib.
Senega, ib.
Senna, 52
Serpent, ib.
Serradilla, 53
Service-tree, ib.
Seton, in Surgery, 54
Setons, in Farriery, ib.
Shad, 55
Shagreen, ib.
Shale, 56
Shark, ib.
Shaving, 57
Shawl, ib.
Sheep, ib.
Sheep's-bit, 63
Shepherd's-purse, ib.
Shingles, ib.
Shirt, ib.
Shoad-stone, 64
Shoe, ib.
——, in Farriery, ib.
Shot, 65
Shoulder, 66
Shrimp, ib.
Shrub, in Botany, 67
——, a Liquor, ib.
Sight, ib.
Silk, 68
—— Worm, ib.
Silver, 71
—— Weed, ib.
Simarouba, 72
Sinapism, ib.
Siskin, 73
Size, ib.
Skate, ib.
Skating, 74
Skin, in Physiology, ib.
——, in Commerce, 75
Skirret, 76
Slate, ib.
Slaters, ib.
Slaughtering, (with a Cut), 77
Sleep, in Physiology, 78
—— of Plants, ib.
Sleeping, 79
Sleep-walking, ib.
Sloe-tree, 80
Slug, 81
Small-pox, ib.
Smalt, 85
Smelling, 86
Smelt, ib.
Smoke, ib.
Smoking, 87
Smut, 89
Snail, ib.
Snake, 90
Snake-weed, ib.
Snap-dragon, 91
Sneeze-wort-yarrow, ib.
Sneezing, ib.
Snipe, 92
Snow, ib.
Snow-drop, ib.
Snuff, 93
Soal, ib.
Soap, 94
—— Earth, 96
—— Wort, 97
Soda, ib.
Soft-grass, 98
Soil, 99
Solomon's Seal, ib.
Soot, 100
Sorrel, the Common, ib.
——, the Sheep's 101
——, the Wood, ib.
Soup, ib.
Sow-bread, 102
Sow-thistle, ib.
Sowing, 103
Soy, ib.
Spa-water, 104
Spade, (with a Cut), ib.
Spaniel, 105
Spar, ib.
Sparrow, ib.
Spasm, 106
