Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/119

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SOI accidentally given to those valua- ble animals, an immediate change of food will prevent its farther ill €ffeas. As the stalks of the meadow soft-grass attain a height of from two to three feet, and the root is eminently calculated for consoli- dating loose sandy soils, it merits to be cultivated in such situations. SOIL, signifies the ground or mould, in which vegetables grow; and which senses as a reservoir for receiving and dispensing their nu- triment. Having already, -under the ar- ticles Arable Lan'd ; Land ; Marsh; Moor; &c, stated the most approved methods of reno- vating or restoring exhausted soils, and of converting them from a «tate of nature ; we shall now com- municate a few hints, by which their quality may be ascertained. To effeiS: this purpose, Berg- man, FoRDYCE, Kirwan, and other eminent chemists, have analyzed the constituent parts of different soils, namely; carbon, 4ime, clay and siliceous sand; and, according to the respeftive por- tions of these ingredients, they con- ceive that the relative fertility of soils might be determined. But, as such analysis is very inaccurate and un- certain, Dr.DAR WIN proposes todry a few pounds of different soils, in the same temperature : when their moisture is evaporated, they must be weighed, and exposed to a red heat. As carbon is a principal in- gredient in calcareous earths, he oonjeftures, that the soil which •loses the greatest portion of its weight, is the most fertile; because •the carbonic matter, being the prin- cipal nutriment of plants, will be Vlissipated m the flame. Another mode of examining the SOL [99 fertility of soils Is, by calculating tlieir specific gravity, when dried at equal distances from the fire, in bladders furnished with small aper- tures ; and, after immersing thena in water, by accurately observing the difference between their respec- tive weights, both in thnt fluid and in the air. But the most certain criterion, by which to judge of the value of land, is afforded by attends ing to the growth and colour of the vegetables spontaneously produced ; and which in some measure indi- cate the nature of the soil beneath tlieir roots. Thus, the Fox-glove, and Sandwort, abound in sandy situations; the Brook-lime, and some species of Cresses, in moist ground ; the Corn Saw-wort, or Way-thistle, indicates a good, as the Dock shews an inferior, soil. Many plants might be added to this list ; but, we shall conclude with remarking, that if an accurate Geographical Catalogue of such vegetables, as grow in particular situations, were published in every country, It would be of great ser- vice, in ascertaining the degree of fertility, as well as tlie nature of different soils. Soiling. See vol. i. p. 463, SOLOMON's-SEAL,the S weet- SMELLING, or Couvallaria Poly- gonatum, L. a native perenni^, whichgrowsin mountainous woods, and the fissures of rocks, principally in the county of York : it flowers in the months of May and June. — This vegetable is eaten by sheep and goats, but is refused by horses, hogs, and cows. — Its roots consist of a pulpy, tuberous, white, sweet, and mucilaginous substance: in times of scarcity, they have been converted into a wholesome bread; and are always used for that pur- pose, by thelowpr classes in Swbden H2 and