Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/143

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known under the name of bronchocele.—See Wen.

Spoon-wort. See Scurvy-grass, the English.

SPOTS, are marks or stains accidentally occurring on linen, woollen, cotton, silk, or other stuffs.—Under the head of Cloth (vol. ii. pp. 7-8) we have already communicated several methods of discharging spots from woollen-cloth: hence we shall, in this place, add another remedy which may be easily prepared; though we have had no experience of its effects:—Dissolve two ounces of pure pearl-ash in a quart of spring water, and add to this solution a lemon cut in small slices. Let the whole be properly mixed, and kept in a warm place for 24 hours; when the liquor should be strained, and the clear fluid decanted for use. It is asserted, that this compound, when poured on the stained part, instantaneously removes all spots, whether they arise from grease, pitch, or oil; and, as soon as they disappear, the cloth must be washed in pure water.—See also Portable Balls, vol. i. p. 153.

Ink-spots on woollen cloth, may be discharged by rubbing them with a composition, made of the white of a new-laid egg and a few drops of oil of vitriol, properly incorporated; afterwards washing the stain with pure water, and lastly, smoothening it with a piece of white cloth, or flannel, in the direction of the nap:—to remove ink from silk stuffs, it will be advisable to apply strong distilled vinegar, and wormwood-ashes, to the blotted part, which ought to be well rubbed with these matters, and then cleansed with soap-water.

Red-port on linen, we understand, may be almost effectually cleared, by pouring warm milk on the stained parts, while they are in a wet state:—another, and perhaps more successful, method, is that of dropping the tallow from a candle on such wine-marks before they are dry; and suffering them to remain till the cloth is sent to the laundry; because ink-spots may, in this simple manner, be removed from linen.

SPRAIN, denotes an extension of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, without dislocation: it generally proceeds from external injury; and is attended with pain, swelling, and inflammation. In treating this local affection, the first object should be, to check the swelling, and prevent the inflammatory symptoms. For this purpose, cold, astringent fomentations with water, ice, vinegar, &c. or, in a very recent case, camphorated spirit of wine, must be applied as speedily as possible: to relieve pain, where it is considerable, a few drops of laudanum may be added to the lotion.—The regimen recommended under the article inflammation, will here likewise be proper.—During, and for some time after, this treatment, the sprained part should be kept in a state of rest and relaxation.

SPRAT, or Clupea sprattus, L. a well-known diminutive fish, which is from three to six inches in length, and in shape resembles the Herring.

Sprats are caught in numerous shoals in the river Thames, which they enter early in the month of November; continuing there till March: during which period they afford a cheap, and not unwholesome nutriment, chiefly to the poorer classes in the metropolis.
