Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/173

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ing and laxative nature, they may be considered as medicinal; and Linnæus observes that, by his own experience, a copious use of this fruit has proved a certain preventive of the Stone in the Kidneys. Hoffman states, that consumptive patients have been completely cured by a liberal allowance of these berries. Farther, they promote perspiration; impart their peculiar fragrance, together with a violet colour, to the urine; and dissolve tartarous concretions on the teeth. In domestic economy, a palatable jam, wine, and vinegar, are prepared from this fruit.

An infusion of the strawberry-leaves, while young and tender, makes excellent tea; but, for such purpose, they ought to be dried in the shade: being slightly bitterish and styptic, they have been used with advantage in laxity and debility of the intestines; in immoderate secretions, or suppressions of the natural evacuations, as likewise in hemorrhages and other fluxes. Lastly, they are of considerable service as aperients, in suppressions of urine; visceral obstructions; the jaundice, and many other complaints.

STRAWBERRY-TREE, or Arbutus, L. a genus of shrubs, consisting of nine species, three of which are indigenous: namely,

1. The Unedo, or Common Strawberry-tree, which grows on barren lime-stone rocks, particularly in the western parts of Ireland, where it flowers in September. This species is a principal ornament of our shrubberies, on account of its beautiful foliage, and its fine yellow flowers in autumn, which produce berries in the succeeding year, so that blossoms and fruit appear at the same time: the latter, however, is not grateful to the taste, even though mellowed by frost. Nevertheless, it is eaten by the lower classes of people, who are accustomed to drink water, after partaking of such repast. The Common Strawberry-tree may be propagated by cuttings, by layers, or by seed. These should be set early in March, in pots of light rich earth, and afterwards put in a hot-bed: in the course of five or six weeks, they will strike firm root in the mould, when they ought to be gradually inured to the air. During frosty weather, it will be advisable to shelter them, and occasionally to expose them to the open air, in mild weather. After two or three years, the young plants may be removed to the place of their destination: for they will have become so hardy as to resist the severest winters, in any soil or situation.

2. The Alpina, Mountain Strawberry-tree, or Black-berried Alpine Arbutus, thrives on dry mountains in Scotland, and the Western Isles, where its flowers appear in May, and are succeeded by round, black berries. This species is retused by goats; its fruit possesses a flavour slightly resembling that of black currants; to which, however, it is greatly inferior. Its branches and evergreen leaves have been advantageously employed in tanning.

3. The Uva ursi, Bear-berries, Bear Whortle-berries, or Bear-berry Strawberry-tree, grows on dry heaths, and woods, chiefly in the Highlands of Scotland; and flowers in the month of May or June. This plant is refused by horses, cows, goats, and sheep. Its leaves have an astringent bitterish taste, and are gene-

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