Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/183

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sue paration, consisting of Mercury combined with the marine acid. Being extremely corrosive, and the raanufafturing of this drug being attended with great danger to health, it is generally imported from Venice and Holland; paying a duty of pf d. per lb. Solutions of corrosive sublimate, in the proportion of one dram to a quart of water, are chiefly em- ployed for consuming proud flesh, and cleansing foul ulcers. A much weaker solution is sometimes used by the gay, as a cosmetic for re- moving cutaneous eruptions. In a dry state, mixed with flour, honey, &c. the sublimate forms a power- ful composition for destroying rats, mice, or other vermin; but, on account of its deleterious proper- ties, the greatest caution is requi- site, particularly in places to which children have access : for, as they are accustomed to taste every thing, such mistake might be produftive of fatal consequences. In case, however, any portion of this poison should have been accidentally swal- lowed, no time should be lost in resorting to the remedies already pointed out, in vol. i. p. 74. SUCCORY, or Ckhorium, L. a genus of three plants, the follow- ing of which are the principal 5 namely : 1. The Jntylus,Wi-LD CiCKO- EY, or Succory, is an indigenous biennial, growing on the borders of corn-lields, chiefly in calcareous soils 5 where it flowers in July and August. This vegetable is eaten by sheep, goats, and swine, but refused by cows and horses. Its leaves, when blanched, form an ingredient in early spring salads ; and, if this plant be cultivated in a <ght and somewhat moist soil, they S U C [157 will be totally divested of their bitterness. The roots are mode- rately bitter : if gathered while young, they may be eaten among other vegetables ; or, when dried and reduced to powder, they may be usefully converted into bread. — In its medicinal properties, the Wild Succory is cooling and cor- roborant : Its juice, when taken in considerable quantities, ft>r several weeks, so as to produce a slight diarrhoea, has been found very serviceable in inveterate cutaneous diseases. In Germany, the roots are dried, cut in small squares, roasted, ground and mixed Math coffee; which, by some, Is esteemed as a wholesome corre6lor of this foreign drug. 2. The Endivia, or Endive, Is an exotic annual species, which Is generally reared In our gardens, as an Ingredient In winter salads. It is propagated by scattering the seeds in spots of open ground, at intervals, from the beginning of June to the end of July: in order to obtain a supply for the table. The young plants must be re- moved Into beds or borders, • that have previously been well prepared by the spade: and, as the chief ex- cellence of endive consists in the whiteness of Its Inner leaves. It will be advisable, either to cover them with flower-pots, or to tie them loosely together, when nearly full grown, so as to exclude them from the sun, for two or three weeks ; in consequence of which, they will become perfe6tly blanched. In the winter, they are either covered with straw, and mats ; or preserved in fresh sand, in a dry cellar. In its properties, this plant Is not essen- tially ditferent from the preceding species. SUCK-