Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/217

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TAH matter, extrafted from old Mxe and Fia trees, by their combustion in a close, smothering heat ; (see vol. iii. p. 384). It may also be procured from pit-coal ; and for such purpose, I^ord Dundonald obtained a patent, of which we have given a concise account in vol. ii. pp. 17, and I'S. Tar is an article of great utility, both in manufaftures, and for va- rious economical purposes : it like- wise affords security to trees, from the ravages of hares, and other pre- datory animals : thus, if one part of tar be mixed with six or seven parts of grease, and the composi- tion be laid on the bark with a brush, it will effeftually defend plantations, and at the same time prevent the trees from being hark- boiind; a disease that often oc- curs, from the irijadicious use of tar and lime. There are, however, some delicate shrubs, to which tljis mixture cannot be safely or conve- niently applied : hence, it will be advisable to surround them with twine covered with tar j and, as this fluid is apt to lose its odour, on exposure to the air, it miTst be occasionally renewed. Though considerable quantities of tar are prepared in Britain, yet, as they are insnfflcient to supply the market, a great number of bar- rels is annually imported from Swe- den, Russia, America, and other countries ; in consequence of which, it is subjefted to certain duties, amounting from 12s. l|d. to 14s. 4'd. per last, accordingly as it is shipped in British, or foreign ves- sels. Tar was formerly in great repute as a medicine, both in its original state^ and also in infusions with water. It has been greatly re- commended by Bishop Berkley, TAR [191 In the Murrain of cattle; and likewise in cold and phlegmatic habits of mankind; as it n(jt only raises the pulse, and accelerates the circulation, but at the same time exhilarates the animal spirits. At present, however, tar-water is sel- dom employed ; though it doubt- less may, in some cases, be used with advantage ; and especially in external applications for stings.—' Thus, if a person stung by waspa, bees, &c. apply to the injured part a pledget dipped in such liquid, it will instantaneously mitigate acute pain, while it prevents swelling and other consequences. Tare. See Vetch. TARRAGON, or Artemisia dra-- cunculus, L. is a hardy exotic plant, growing in France, as well as in the warmer climates of Europe; and which is cultivated in Britain for culinary uses. It may be propa- gated by parting the roots, which will flourish in any garden soil j the herb flowering in July, ai>d producing ripe seeds in autumn. Tarragon is a hot, bitter vege- table, and is frequently eaten With lettuces, or other cold salad-herbs; though it is occasionally used as an ingredient in soups. — Its seeds arc very pungent, and may be advan- tageously substituted for the more costly spices obtained from the Indies. TARRAS, Terkas, orTRAAS, a species of argillaceous earth, found in Germany, and Sweden, whence it is annually imported ; being subjedt to the duty of 6|d. per bushel. It is of a pale-yellow- ish colour, containing numerous particles of spar, and other hetero- geneous matters. "WTien reduced to powder, and mixed with water, terras forms a most durable cement or mortar, Tyhich