Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/494

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[ 456 ] the Scotch and English acres. Hence, the first numbers, m the second and fifth coUimns represfnt the square feet contnined in those respet'^ivc measures : so that the Englibb acre is to that computed in Scotland, as 43,560 is to 54^760 feet. i'l.iiii* on 1 Plans on a { an Kiigi sli Acre. c 3 Score- 1 .'('f. 'hort 100 of Long loo of 1 Short loo o( Long IPO of Q 5 scorf 6 scoie s 5 Store. 6 score. F. I F. I. ■ 1 43.560 36,300 1 54.760 45.633. 1 6 19,360 16,133 1 6 24,382. 20,3 1 8 2 10,890 D'^7o 2 13,690 11.408 2 6 6,g()g 5,808 2 6 8,? 01 7. .301 3 4,ii40 4,033 3 6,084 5,070 3 6 3,556 2,963 3 6 4,470 3,725 4 2,722 2,268 4 3.423 2,352 4 6 2,151 1,792 4 6 2.709 2,257 5 1,7^12 1 ,45.2 5 2,100 1,825 5 6 1,440 l,20O 5 6 1,810 1,508 6 1,210 1,008 6 1,521 1,251 6 6 1,031 852 6 6 1,296 1,081 7 889 740 7 1,117 931 7 6 774 620 7 6 973 811 8 680 567 8 855 713 8 ,J6 602 502 8 6 758 631 9 537 448 9 675 562 9 6 482 402 9 6 606 505 10 435 363 10 547 456 11 360 300 'u 452 375 12 302 252 12 380 317 13 257 214 13 324 270 14 222 185 14 279 232 1.5 193 161 15 243 202 16 170 141 16 214 17s 17 150 125 17 189 158 18 134 112 18 169 141 1.9 120 100 19 151 126 20 103 20 137 114 21 98 21 124 103 22 90 22 113 23 82 23 103 24 75 24 95 25 ii9 25 87 26 64 26 81 27 59 - 27 75 28 55 28 70 29 51 29 65 30 48 30 60 INDEX