Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/527

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GENERAL INDEX OF REFERENCE. vender. Thrift; Loosestrife; Myr- tle; Silver. weed; Sloe-tree; Tor- mentil ; Trefoil; Yarrow. Tapioca, substitute for, see Orchis. Tea, substitutes for, see Ash ; Betony ; Bilberry ; — to make from Beef ; see Beef- tea. Teeth, purifier of, see Dock. Test-stones, see Basaltes. Thatch, how to render Fire- proof, see Moss. Thistle, its use, see Paper. Timber, to preserve from de- cay, see Beech-tree, Tippling, see Clover. Tobacco, substitutes for, see Buck-bean; Cudweed; Milk- weed ; Pea, the Heath ; Sumach- tree ; — to improve, see Larkspur. Tonics, see Bitters ; Buck- thorn ; &c. Tooth. ach, relieved, and cured by iEther ; Agitation ; Anemone ; Cajeput.oil ; Marjoram ; Opium ; Thyme, &c. Touch-stones, see Basaltes, Trees, best method of rooting up, see Berne. machine ; — to de- fend from the injuries of Animals, see Diseases of Plants ; — frost-bit- ten, how to recover, see Frost ; — blasted, see Lightning ; — injured, composition for,see Blight (Suppl.) Trout, &c. how to carry alive to a considerable distance, see Fish, Tulips, how to preserve, see Flower. Tumors, see Swellings ; — in horses, to discuss, see Poll-Evil. Turf, guide in digging for, see Sundew., how to extirpate, see Cabbage, and Fly. U. V. Vapours, mephitic, to disperse, see Vinegar. Varnish, see Eggs; — vegetables,

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489 «S:c. which yield, see Aloe ; Am- ber ; Bitumens; Copal. Veal and Lamb, how preserved in Germany, sec Flesh-meat. Vegetables, to keep ; see Pre- servation ; how to proted from cold, see Frost ; — poisonous, how to deprive of their injurious qua, lity, see Cassava ; — when putrid, to corred, see Charcoal ; — proper time of watering, see Cold. Veneering, materials for, see Broom, the Common ; Traveller's- Joy. Venison, its properties as food, and best method of preparing, see Deer. Vermifuges, substances pVoper for, see Fern ; Gamboge ; Liver- wort, the green-ground ; Mulberry- tree ; Sugar ; Spurge. laurel ;• Tan- sy ; Timothy .grass. Vermin, to prevent their depre- dations, see Aloe ; Oil; — in Cat- tle, remedy iOr, see Meadow Saf- fron. J- Vigogne dye, see Bell.fl6wer, Mezereon, &c. Vinegar, vegetables whence it may be prepared, see Bramble ; Citron ; Quicken-tree ; — an excel- lent article for making, see Grains. Violet dye, see Rose. Vulneraries, see ' Anemone ; Daisy; Leadwort. Ulcers, remedies for, see Ane- mone ; Arsenic ; Basiiicon ; Birth- wort ; Buckthorn ; Cock-roach ; Euphorbium ; Lousewort ; Night- shade, the Deadly ; Sorrel ; Verdi- grease ; — how checked, see Cau- tery ; — of the throat, remedies for, see Mustard, the Hedge. Ultramarine, substitute for, see Smalt. Urine, discharge of, to prevent, see Rum ; Squill ; — retention of, efficacious remedies tor, see Gourd ; Ice, &c» LI Walls,