Page:Willich, A. F. M. - The Domestic Encyclopædia (Vol. 4, 1802).djvu/75

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^'1P. i c^, — When matter is perceived to riufftii^te in the tumor, the se^oji-, ii.e"dle, armpd with a proper cord, is to be introduced at tiie, part; 0^ th^ iibscess ; and the point, cpudnCLed through it,, so ss to. be brought out in. an direc- tion. In soipe in,stiiu.(;eg, it will be advisable to perforate, the .sound mpscujar flesh, and thus tu torni. a depending orilige, for the more cgsy discharge of the, m^^UCr •• in either case^ the cord sh9,Hld be pre- viously .dipped in some, digestive olutipent, and secured at both ends. vlth a thread. Instead, hpwevcr, ©I" tying the cord together, some furriers preferably , app^, , «v ., small bif tton of ■ wood, os simijsr s.ub-? stjmce, to each end.. Thus, wjicn shifted, the thread may be drgwii upwards and^ dow».w3rd? 3 jhQ'igh, ifijts ends be conjoined,; jt.fprins a cir(;le, and ;ri.ay always be removed, towards the lower orihce. ,,:A'hen the matter in the abscess appears to_be wholly discharged,, tile, cortj may then be dnuvn put, a^id the. wound be allowed to qlose. But, ■where the additional sore, tlius occasioned, shews no disposition spontaneously to heaj, it must be treated like a common Ut-,<>KR. SHAD, or Clupca qIq^q,^ L. a wdl-ki^own fish,,, ipliabiting the rivers 'i hames, S.ev.^rn, aiKijW")'e : ' it commonly weighs . from . 5 to 8 Ibs.-t-lt has a fprk&d snout, and. the l^gdy is marked wiiii black spots.,. , _ ,, ,; .:ni, .-J/. ,In_ fl^avpur,_ delicacy,:. and . sizci. the Spvern shad. is superi^c^r to those frcqueutjng thfj^Thames ; they ^e. neraily appear in the.ippyth of April or jViay ; and remain about two months, ; ,., , « .j., ,j,,;,„ J^arge quantities of thfse fish are taken, by nct3,,jn tji^, vivinjty of. Glbucester, whence they are sent S HA Isi to, the London, markets, and sold. at 3i higher price llum sal mcrn.^—*. I'he. fishmongers distinguish tins. shad from that of the lUiames,. by the French name, aiose.i: ,, ...j There is a variety, of the. shad called the ^j<'«i/ej. great number^. of wiiicJr.are taken in the Severn,^ weigliing . from .half a, pound- to. and possessing, no better. flavour than those caught in Lii<j. Thames.— The t wait e ditfcrs fram. . the.sliad,in its external charaders,; . by having one or niorc round .blacki , spots on . the sides j and generally . three or four, .situated one under 1 . the otlicr,, near the gills. • •■ •- The shad of . the Thames visits;

that river about the latter end of .

May, .or early in June.. Its flesh. is-very cosrse and insipid'; so that it affords improper fotni for .Lliose,-; , whose organs of digestion are weak ■ or impaired.. •; ;■ ,; •. S«A;J)ZXO:OK,?.i SccObAWGE, 1 SHAGllEKN, or.GiiAGKEEN, , is >a. kind of rough, ic^itljcr, -pre- < pased (rom the skm of Xhc. spotted . ShaHk,. . .i, lo.'.ii-ii O;'. ?;,'•■ '" M •Tortlais purpose, the skin of the , fish is first stripped, then extended on a table, and covered with bruisexi mustardrseed,: .it is thiu exposed to the weather, for several days, . and afterwards tanxied .J- : s ■ .' > The best shagreen, is' imported i from Constautirjople. , It is. of a

brownish cast, and vcxy l,.ard j but;..-i

. when . immejsed in Avaior, Ltibpt ■;

j comes soft, and pliablt;!> audjinay .

be dy<;d ot any coJoav. r vi ..;.:. :• -i ?• Shagreeais. ofteti, countarfcitcd, ,by preparing morocco, leather iu . ,the same manner as the skm of the . fisii above mentioned :. ;sucn fraud

imay, however, be easily : detected

by the sui'Iaceiof .the spuriuus iun- nufartu-re. ppeiijsig ox stsiling oifi . viiile that ot" the genuine article E 4 remains