Page:Wiltshire, Extracted from Domesday Book.djvu/109

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[ 61 ]

The following Lands are allotted for the Support of the Monks.

4. The ſame biſhop holds Awltone and it was aſſeſſed at 20 hides in the time of the Confeſſor. Here are 14 ploughlands. Six of theſe hides, and a yardland, are in demeſne, where are 4 ploughlands and 8 ſervants. Twenty-ſeven villagers and 15 cottagers occupy 8 ploughlands. Here are two mills of the value of 12 ſhillings and ſixpence, and 100 acres of meadow. The paſture is 3 quarters of a mile long, and half a mile broad, William Scudet holds 3 hides of this land under the biſhop, and he has 2 ploughlands. What the Monks poſſeſs, is worth 24 pounds, and what William has, 100 ſhillings.

5. The ſame biſhop holds Hame. It was aſſeſſed T.R.E. at 10 hides and a half, and half a yardland. Here are 7 ploughlands. Five hides and a half are in demeſne, where are

3 plough-