Page:Wiltshire, Extracted from Domesday Book.djvu/11

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proprietors, who, by ſolely confining their enquiries to their particular eſtates, may, with ſome degree of certainty aſſign the deſcriptions to their original diſtricts. The general deſcription will often be ſufficient for that purpoſe, but when the circumſtance of a neighbouring Wood, or of a Church, is annexed to it, the application may be made with tolerable accuracy.

As it may be acceptable, and even neceſſary to ſome of my readers to be informed of the explanation of certain words in Domeſday, I ſhall endeavour to explain thoſe, that conſtantly occur in each ſection of the Book, and that, now, are either obſolete, or are only to be found in our Gloſſaries. And even the Gloſſaries give ſuch various interpretations of them, particularly with reſpect to their meaſurement, that I muſt aſſume the liberty of adopting thoſe only that may be moſt conſonant with my own ideas. However, I ſhall not attempt to advance any conſtruction, that may not be warranted by ſome authority, though I ſhall not trouble the reader with citing the opinion of Littleton, Skinner, Spelman, or other Antiquaries on the occaſion.

The firſt word that occurs in every deſcription, is Hida. All our old antiquaries, hitherto, have uniformly agreed that Hida and Carucata are ſynonymous

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