Page:Wiltshire, Extracted from Domesday Book.djvu/119

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longs in length and 1 in breadth. Durandus holds of this land 2 hides, wanting half a yardland. The man who held it T.R.E. could not be removed from the military ſervice due to the church. It was, and is worth 20 ſhillings. The demeſne is worth 8 pounds. When the biſhop received it, it was worth 6 pounds.

12. The ſame biſhop holds Stottune. It was aſſeſſed T. R. E. at 10 hides. Here are 6 ploughlands. Three hides and a half are in demeſne, where are 2 ploughlands and 3 ſervants. Four villagers and 6 borderers occupy 2 ploughlands. Here is a mill of the value of 10 ſhillings, and 10 acres of meadow. The paſture is 5 furlongs in length and 2 broad, and there are 40 acres of wood. Richerus holds 2 hides of this land, and Anſchitil 2 hides and a half. When the biſhop received this manor, it was worth 8 pounds. The demeſne is now worth 5 pounds and 10 pence; and

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