Page:Wiltshire, Extracted from Domesday Book.djvu/60

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[ 12 ]

☞ 1. Rex habet de Burgo Wiltunie 50 libras, Quando Herueus recepit ad cuſtodiendum, reddebat 22 libras.

2. De Wilteſcire habet Rex 10 libras pro accipitre, et 20 ſolidos pro [1]ſummario et pro [2]ſeno 100 ſolidos et 5 oras.

3. De dimidio Molino apud Sariſberie habet Rex 20 ſolidos ad penſum.

4. De tercio denario Sariſberie habet Rex 6 libras. De tercio denario Merlebergh 4 libras. De tertio denario Crichelade 5 libras. De tercio denario Bade 11 libras. De tertio denario Malmeſberie 6 libras.

5. De [3]Crem̄to 60 libras ad pondus. Hoc reddit Edwardus Vicecomes.

6 Wal-

  1. Sumnarius, a baggage horſe.
  2. Perhaps fenore, which may mean a kind of quitrent.
  3. Cremento, the improved rents of the county collected by the Sheriff.