Page:Wiltshire, Extracted from Domesday Book.djvu/67

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[ 19 ]

The wood is 2 furlongs in length, and 1 furlong and 24 acres broad. The whole is worth 8 pounds. Alured of Spain holds 5 hides, which Nigellus claims. By the teſtimony of the ſhire this land belonged T.R.E. to the church.

2. The King holds Bedvinde. King Edward held it. It was never aſſeſſed nor hided. Here are 79 ploughlands; 12 of which, with 18 ſervants, are in demeſne; and 80 villagers, 60 cottagers, and 14 coliberts, occupy the other 67 ploughlands. Eight mills pay 100 ſhillings. Here are 2 woods, 3 miles long, and a mile and a half broad: 200 acres of meadow; and the paſture is a mile and a half in length, and 3 quarters of a mile in breadth. Twenty-five burgeſſes belong to this manor. This town provides one night's entertainment for the King's houſhold, with all uſual cuſtoms. There was a grove T.R.E. in this manor, 3 quarters of a mile long and 3 fur-

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